IBM Datacap 9.1.9 iFix 5
Today (26/06/2024) IBM released the latest iFix pack for Datacap 9.1.9.
Key highlights
- Action Library Enhancements
- Enhanced security
- Improved performance
- Updates to the OCR engines
Action Library Enhancements
Various action available in the action library have had new features added covering a range of new features in areas such as sending emails, reading and extracting data from images and improvements to OCR.
Enhanced Security
As part of IBMs continued commitment to the highest security standards Datacap 9.1.9 recently underwent penetration testing by a third party. The product was tested for attacks against the Datacap Web Application , Network and Datacap Thick Client applications.
Interim Fix 5 addresses many of the issues found which include:
- Fixes to various scripting vulnerabilities including cross site scripting
- Local File Inclusion / Directory Traversal when uploading files to the application
- Storage of sensitive data in memory
- Storage of sensitive information in config files
Note that some of the fixes require correct configuration of the application after installation of the fixes.
Improved Performance
A range of changes have been made in particular where 32 bit and 64 bit code are involved to ensure customers get the best performance and stability from existing actions.
Updates to the OCR Engines
As OCR technology continues to progress a number of the included OCR engines have received updates to improve accuracy, performance and stability.
For anyone wanting to read a more detailed description of IBM Datacap 9.1.9 iFix 5 the release notes are available here.
Read more about how Open Connections can help you with Datacap here