Kofax has recently announced the latest release of their Capture product (Kofax Capture 11.1), bringing improved business benefits to individual users and organisations alike. For existing users of Kofax Capture, this is obviously interesting and in this document we outline some of these enhancements, which span 4 main areas:
- Organisations which make use of Kofax Analytics for Capture will appreciate improved data accuracy made possible by the surfacing of information on in-flight batches. This information includes the current operator, station, site and more.
- Standardisation of timestamps means that stored timestamps are no longer based on the time on individual workstations, providing a more accurate record of statistics and other business data.
UI Enhancements
Improvements to the Batch Manager will make end users’ lives easier. These include:
- The ability to set preferences which manage the appearance, order and sorting options for data columns.
- The ability to display up to five batch field columns in Batch Manager, enabling the easier identification and monitoring of pending work.
- If users have ever needed to un-reject several batches due to an infrastructure failure and then individually reroute each one to their desired queue, they’ll appreciate this enhancement which enables the rerouting of multiple batches to a new queue at the same time, thus improving operational efficiency.
Administration Enhancements
These Improvements to Administration make looking after and maintaining a Kofax Capture environment easier than ever:
- The ability to copy export connector settings to another document class. Once export connector settings have been set for a given document class, these can be exported to another document class that uses the same connector.
- The ability to deploy service packs and fix packs to workstations without access to the Capture Server share – invaluable in those environments which have been ‘hardened’.
General Enhancements
- Improved logging provides enhanced information to aid troubleshooting.
- Reliance on older Microsoft components has been removed.
These are just some of the many enhancements which have been made available in the latest release of Kofax Capture, which is a straightforward upgrade from 11.0.
If you would like to know more about Kofax Capture 11.1, please contact technical@openc.co.uk or call 01454 889966.
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