Open Connections are offering organisations a free audit of their document capture and scanning systems. We can only offer a limited number of these audits, so read this article and then contact us to book yours !
What are Capture Systems ?
Capture systems are often the initial step in essential organisational processes. Whether it’s managing incoming invoices from suppliers or handling post and emails from customers, ensuring the correct documents are integrated into your internal systems is crucial. These capture systems often involve specialised tools, such as scanners or email monitoring software, and may not be provided by the same vendor as your main business system.
Why are we doing this ?
In 2024, Open Connections were pleased to assist several organisations, both existing customers and new ones, in reviewing their systems and gaining a better understanding of how they were functioning. As these systems were often installed several years ago, it is common for the business knowledge about them to have been lost or diminished over time. These systems play a crucial role in business processes by ensuring vital and timely contact with customers or suppliers. Open Connections provided specialist guidance on what the customers had installed, identifying any current or potential future risks. If necessary, advice was also given on enhancing performance or ensuring the stability of existing components.
What is the offer ?
To start 2025, Open Connections is offering organisations with a capture system that ingests documents, whether through paper-based scanning or email ingestion, a free health check of their system. The scope of the review can be agreed upon at the start, but it would typically cover:
- Versions installed and a summary of support status with the vendor,
- Review of underlying components such as operating systems, databases and hardware,
- Review of any hardware involved (where relevant) including software drivers, firmware etc.,
- Volumetrics where available on number of documents being processed numbers of errors and other statistics.
We can then present the information gathered to the organisation for review.
What systems are included ?
Open Connections are happy to review any system but have specific expertise in several capture products including (but not limited to!) :
- IBM products such as Datacap, Content Collector (ICC) and legacy capture systems,
- Tungsten Automation products such as Kofax Capture, KTM, KCNS, Total Agility and others.
How does it work ?
These audits generally take place remotely via screen sharing or VPN and the customer is in complete control of what we have access to. Once all the relevant information has been captured, we will then spend some time reviewing this offline before presenting a short report back to the customer. The whole process is free* and without obligation.
*If for any reason a system is not accessible remotely or there is a particular reason for a detailed examination of physical devices we can still offer the service but some charges will be incurred to cover the extra time and travel costs.
If you have a capture system and would like to understand more about this FREE service contact us now